As part of the 18th Munich Wood Colloquium, the prizes donated by the Bavarian entrepreneur Leo Schörghuber to promote wood research were awarded for the 13th time. At the beginning of the award ceremony Professor Richter (Chair of Wood Science) commemorated the founder who died in April 2017 at the age of 92. The awarding committee, chaired by President Herrmann, also awarded a non-endowed special prize in addition to two regular prizes (endowed with 1,500 euros each).
Ms. M.Sc Selina Öniz received the prize for her master's thesis written at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: "Dissipative Stahlblechverbindungen bei Brettsperrholz unter wiederholter zyklischer Belastung".
Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Wenderdel has been awarded for his doctoral thesis at the ETH Zurich for: "Herstellung mehrschichtiger Faserplatten im Trockenverfahren mit kartonähnlichen Eigenschaften”.
Dr. rer. Nat. Sebastian Rüter, studied forest sciences at the Technical University of Munich. In his scientific career, he is engaged in the collection and evaluation of climate and wood policy politically significant carbon sequestration in wood products. He was honored with a special prize for his dissertation "Der Beitrag der stofflichen Nutzung von Holz zum Klimaschutz – Das Model WoodCarbonMonitor”, which was supervised at the TU Munich at the Chair of Wood Science.
The prizes were awarded by Prof. dr. Dr. habil. Drs.h.c. Wegener, TUM Emeriti of Excellence on behalf of the President.