On 04.12.2019, M.Sc. Eveli Soode-Schimonsky defended her dissertation thesis titled:
"Environmental impact assessment of the horticultural products asparagus, strawberries, roses and orchids according to the Product Carbon Footprint and Product Environmental Footprint methodologies".
As Committee members acted:
Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Benz, Professorship of Wood Bioprocesses, Technical University of Munich (Lead)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Richter, Chair of Wood Science, Technical University of Munich (Advisor, 1. Examiner)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Weber-Blaschke, Chair of Wood Science, Technical University of Munich (2. Examiner)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad, Marketing / Renewable Resources, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (3. Examiner)