On 04.12.2019, M.Sc. Eveli Soode-Schimonsky defended her dissertation thesis titled:
"Environmental impact assessment of the horticultural…
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Nils Thieme
At 08.07.2019 M.Sc. Nils Thieme defended his dissertation thesis titled:
"Plant polysaccharide perception and its molecular regulation –…
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In March 2019 Professor Dr. Gerd Wegener, former head and professor at Holzforschung München and Emeritus of Excellence at TUM, got honored with the…
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On Sept. 20 und 21 2018 TUM and its premises at the study programm devision Forest Science and Ressource Management were hosting the 5th International…
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While the German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Bavarian Minister President Dr. Markus Söder were addressing the invited guests at…
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The Audi Environmental Foundation has recognized the master’s degree thesis of Diana Young, who performed her thesis work in the Wood Bioprocesses…
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On March 14th 2018, a workshop will be held at Holzforschung München to investigate the sorption behaviour of different materials. The workshop will…
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