Since 2013 | Research Associate at the Technical University of Munich |
2010 - 2013 | Master studies in Forest and Wood Science at the Technical University of Munich |
2007 - 2010 | Bachelor studies in Forest Science and Resource Management at the Technical University of Munich |
- Non-destructive testing of wood;
- Research and development of grading methods and models for timber strength prediction;
- FNR-Project: Optimizing the grading of soft- and hardwoods grading for the application in glued high-end building products
- Utilization of timber as material. Wood physics
- Political and social perspectives of renewable resources
- Ehret A. (2016): Ultrasound perpendicular to the grain direction as a new non-destructive testing method for timber.
- Kovryga, A., Stapel, P. and van de Kuilen, J. W. G. (2016): Quality control for machine strength graded timber. In: Eur. J. Wood Prod. DOI: 10.1007/s00107-016-1105-3.
- Kovryga, A., Stapel, P. and van de Kuilen, J.W.G. (2016): Tensile strength classes for hardwoods. Paper 49-10-1. In.: Proc. of 49th INTER & CIB Meeting, Graz, Austria.
- Kovryga, A., Stapel, P. and van de Kuilen, J.W.G. (2016): Optimizing characteristic properties of visually graded soft- and hardwoods lamellas for the glulam production. In: Proceeding of WCTE 2016, Vienna, Austria, ISBN: 978-3-903024-35-9.
- Kovryga, A., van de Kuilen, J.W.G. (2016): Machine Graded Structural Timber: Analysis of quality and basic approaches for quality improvement. In: Forschung + Praxis Doktorandenkolloquium, 2016, Stuttgart, 109-116.
- Kovryga, A.; Stapel, P. and van de Kuilen, J. W. G. (2014): Safety of timber - an analysis of quality control options. In: Proceeding of WCTE 2014, Québec, Canada, ISBN 978-0-86488-559-3.