Since 9/2019 | Research Associate at the Chair of Wood Science at the Technical University of Munich |
9/2017- 8/2019 | Research Associate at the Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Management of the STROHBERG project "Potentials and paths for the material and energy use of agricultural residues with special attention to ecological limits and economic feasibility". |
10/2012 – 6/2017 | Research Associate at the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture (LfL). Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry, Project ExpRessBio "Expert Group Resource Management for Bioenergy in Bavaria" |
5/2008 – 6/2012 | Research Associate at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Technology Potsdam- Bornim e. V. Department of Technology in Animal Husbandry, Project "Environmental Aspects of Animal Husbandry" |
2008- 2013 | Doctorate (DR. rer. Agr.) at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU), Faculty of Agriculture and Gardening |
2006-2008 | Master's degree in Agricultural Management (MBA) at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT) |
2000-2005 | Agricultural Engineering at the University of Damascus, Faculty of Agriculture |
Research Areas
- Evaluation of innovative lignocellulose-biorefineries
- Life-cycle assessment of bioenergy
- Material and energy use of agricultural and forestry residues
- Bioeconomy & Biorefinery
- Bioenergy Systems
- Sustainable land use and nutrition
- Modelling of LCA Biomass case studies– new
- Research Associate at the Chair of Wood Science
- Habilitation about the topic "Development of Optimization Potentials for the Innovative Use of Biomass by using Life Cycle Assessment”
- Supervision of Bachelor, Master and doctoral theses
- Expert for scientific journals
- Member of the KTBL (Curatorium for Engineering and Construction in Agriculture)
- ALB Bayern (Working Group on Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Construction in Bavaria)
HIJAZI, O; ABDELSALAM, E; SAMER, M; AMER, B.M.A; YACOUB I.H; MOSELHY, M.A; ATTIA, Y.A; BERNHARDT, H. (2020): Environmental impacts concerning the addition of trace metals in the process of biogas production from anaerobic digestion of slurry. Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118593.
HIJAZI, O; ABDELSALAM, E; SAMER, M; YACOUB, I.H; ATTIA, Y.A; BERNHARDT, H. (2020): Life cycle assessment of the use of nanomaterials in biogas production from anaerobic digestion of manure. Renewable Energy, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2019.10.048
ABDELSALAM, E; HIJAZI, O; SAMER, M; YACOUB I.H; ALI, A.S; AHMED, R.H; BERNHARDT, H. (2019): Life cycle assessment of the use of laser radiation in biogas production from anaerobic digestion of manure, Renewable Energy (142) 130-136.
HIJAZI, O., TAPPEN, S.J., EFFENBERGER, M. (2019): Environmental impacts concerning flexible power generation in a biogas production. Carbon Resources Conversion (2), 117-125
SCHMID, M; WÖRZ, S.; HIJAZI, O. BERNHARDT, H.; (2018): Comparsion of GHG emissions from milk production and raw milk logistics for sustainable milk producer acquisition for dairies. Conference Agricultural Engineering VD-MEG, VDI-Berichte Nr. 2332, 2018.
HIJAZI, O; EFFENBERG, M. (2017): Wie können die Treibhausgasemissionen durch Biogasanlagen reduziert werden? Erläuterung anhand ausgewählter Praxisbeispiele. Bayerisches Wochenblatt.
HIJAZI, O.; MUNRO, S., ZERHUSEN, B., EFFENBERGER, M., (2016): Review of life cycle assessment for biogas production in Europe. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 54, 1291-1300
HIJAZI, O.; EFFENBERGER, M., (2016): Wesentliche Einflussfaktoren für die Treibhausgasbilanz der Strombereitstellung aus Biogas: Erläuterung anhand ausgewählter Praxisbeispiele. In: Biogas Forum Bayern Nr. V - 3/2016, Hrsg. ALB Bayern e.V., Freising.
HIJAZI, O.; BERG, W.; MOUSSA, S; AMMON, C.; VON BOBRUTZKI, K.; Brunsch, R. (2014): Com-paring methane emissions from different sheep-keeping systems in semiarid regions: A case study of Syria. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 13, 139-147.
HIJAZI, O.; BERG, W.; MOUSSA, S; AMMON, C.; VON BOBRUTZKI, K.; BRUNSCH, R, (2014). Awassi sheep keeping in the Arabic steppe in relation to nitrous oxide emission from soil, Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences, 16, 46-54.
ZERHUSEN, B.; HIJAZI, O.; EFFENBERGER, M., (2014): Umweltwirkungen der Biogasproduktion: Emissionen in die Luft. In: Biogas Forum Bayern Nr. V – 20/2014, Hrsg. ALB Bayern e.V., Freising. 2013
HIJAZI, O. (2013). Umweltrelevante Aspekte der Schafhaltung in Syrien. Dissertation zur Erlangen des Doktorades. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Dr. Hut Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8439-1040-8
HIJAZI, O. (2008): Entwicklung der Tafeltraubenmärkte in Syrien im Vergleich mit den deutschen Märkten. Masterarbeit, FH Weihenstephan.
HIJAZI, O. (2005): The Effects of the covered smut on the wheat. Bachelorarbeit, Universität Damaskus, Syrien
SAMER, M; HIJAZI, O.; ABDELSALAM, E; BERNHARDT, B. (2019): Manure treatment with acidic liquid biowastes for reducing greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions. Annual International Meeting, July 7-10, 2019, Boston, USA.
SAMER, M; HIJAZI, O.; ABDELSALAM, E; BERNHARDT, B. (2019): Theoretical and experimental investigations for testing a hypothesis to enhance the efficiency of evaporative cooling pads for livestock barns and greenhouses. Annual International Meeting, July 7-10, 2019, Boston, USA.
HIJAZI, O; METTENLEITER, S; SAMER, M; HIJAZI, O.; ABDELSALAM, E; BERNHARDT, B. (2019): Life Cycle assessment of biogas production in small-scalle in Columbia. Annual International Meeting, July 7-10, 2019, Boston, USA.
HIJAZI, O; METTENLEITER, S; BAUERDICK, J; TREIBER, M; GRÄFF, A; BERNHARDT, H. (2019): Sustainability of biogas production with small sized plant in South America. XXXVIII CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference, June 24-26, 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
HÖHENDINGER, Martin; HÖLD, M.; HIJAZI, O.; TREIBER, M.; BAUERDICK, J.; FRECH, L.; DIETRICH, R.; KRIEG, H. J.; STUMPENHAUSEN, J.; BERNHARDT, H. (2019): CowEnergy - Possibilities of energy management in energy self-sufficient dairy cowsheds XXXVIII CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference, June 24-26, 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
TREIBER, M.; HÖHENDINGER, M.; RUPP, H.; BAUERDICK, J.; HIJAZI, O.; BERNHARDT, H. (2019): Data Transmission and Management for Wireless Sensor Networks in German Dairy Farming Environments. XXXVIII CIOSTA & CIGR V International Conference, June 24-26, 2019, Rhodes, Greece.
SCHMID, M; WÖRZ, S.; BERNHARDT, H.; HIJAZI, O. (2018): Title Case: Milk transport costs and carbon emissions of various triggered milk logistic chains. EurAgEng 2018 conference from 8 – 12 July 2018, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
BERNHARDT, H.; SPILLER, L.S; HIJAZI, O. (2018): Sustainability Through Digital Agriculture - Analysis Of Available Greenhouse Gas Emission Indicators In Farm Management Systems. EurAgEng 2018 conference from 8 – 12 July 2018, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
HIJAZI, O.; DJATKOV, DJ; EFFENBERGER, M., (2017): Calculating greenhouse gas mitigation from the utilization of biogas for combined heat-and-power production, 45th International Symposium actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering. Opatija, Croatia.
HIJAZI, O.; EFFENBERGER, M., (2016): Gekoppelte Strom- und Wärmebereitstellung aus Biogas – THG-Bilanzen von Fallstudien an bayerischen Praxisbetrieben. Abschlusstagung ExpRessBio Klima- und Ressourcenschutz in der bayerischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft in München.
HIJAZI, O.; EFFENBERGER, M., (2016): Greenhouse gas balance of biogas production and different utilization pathways, Biogas Science. Szeged, Hungary. HIJAZI, O. (2015): Combined heat and power supply from biogas - GHG balances of case studies at Bavarian commercial farms. Expert Group Resource Management bioenergy in Bavaria – ExpRess-Bio conference in Straubing, Germany
HIJAZI, O., MAZE, M., ZERHUSEN, B., EFFENBERGER, M., (2014): Possibility to assess environmental im-pacts of biogas systems, International conference Biogas Science, Vienna, Austria
HIJAZI, O.; BERG, W.; MOUSSA, S; BRUNSCH, R. (2012): Effect of sheep management on nitrous oxide emissions and natural steppe in arid and semi-arid zones. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012, 8-12 July 2012 in Valencia, Spain.
HIJAZI, O.; BERG, W.; MOUSSA, S; BRUNSCH, R. (2011): Lachgas-Emissionen beim Futteranbau in unterschiedlichen Schafhaltungssystemen in Syrien. 10. Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung vom 27.-29. September 2011 in Kiel.
HIJAZI, O.; BERG, W.; BRUNSCH, R.; MOUSSA, S. (2010): Energieeffizienz und Emissionen unterschiedlicher Schafhaltungssysteme in Syrien. 2. Agrosnet, Doktorandentag, Rostock, 23.06.2010.