- Ahmed Mutez Ali
- Ankerst Donna
- Annighöfer Peter
- Asseng Senthold
- Bartelt Alexander
- Becker Thomas
- Belz Frank
- Benz Philipp
- Bernhardt Heinz
- Bienert Patrick
- Bitsch Vera
- Blombach Bastian
- Briesen Heiko
- Buchner Johannes
- Cabernard Livia
- Dawid Corinna
- Deng Li
- Di Pizio Antonella
- Drewes Jörg
- Ebner Friederike
- Eder Michaela
- Egerer Monika
- Först Petra
- Frischmann Dimitri
- Geist Jürgen
- Gerner Romana
- Gjorgjieva Julijana
- Göttlein Axel
- Gronnier Julien
- Guldin Stefan
- Haller Dirk
- Henkel Marius
- Hofmann Thomas
- Hrabé de Angelis Martin
- Hückelhoven Ralph
- Hülsbergen Kurt-Jürgen
- Johannes Frank
- Kamal Nadia
- Kapurniotu Aphrodite
- Keller Regine
- Klingenspor Martin
- Knoke Thomas
- Knolle Percy A.
- Kögel-Knabner Ingrid
- Köhler Karsten
- Kollmann Johannes
- Küster Bernhard
- Leonhardt Sara
- Liebl Wolfgang
- List Markus
- Ludwig Ferdinand
- Luksch Harald
- Menapace Luisa
- Menzel Annette
- Minceva Mirjana
- Multhoff Gabriele
- Oksanen Timo
- Pauleit Stephan
- Peters Richard
- Poppenberger Brigitte
- Rammig Anja
- Roosen Jutta
- Rost Burkhard
- Rufino Mariana
- Rychlik Michael
- Sauer Johannes
- Schäfer Hanno
- Scherf Katharina
- Schirmer Melanie
- Schloter, Michael
- Schmid Hans Peter
- Schneitz Kay
- Schöbel-Rutschmann Sören
- Schön Chris-Carolin
- Schrettl Stephen
- Schusser Benjamin
- Schwab Wilfried
- Schwechheimer Claus
- Seidl Rupert
- Senf Cornelius
- Sieber Volker
- Skerra Arne
- Stecher Bärbel
- Steinhoff-Wagner Julia
- Svilenov Hristo
- Tellier Aurélien
- Theis Fabian
- Uhlenhaut Nina Henriette
- Völkel Jörg
- Weilacher Udo
- Weisser Wolfgang
- Weisz Ute
- Wilhelm Mathias
- Witt Heiko
- Yu Kang
- Yu Peng
- Zare Mohsen
- Zehn Dietmar
- Zollfrank Cordt
- Agricultural Production and Resource Economics
- Agricultural Sytems Engineering
- Agrimechatronics
- Analytical Food Chemistry
- Animal Nutrition and Metabolism
- Animal Physiology and Immunology
- Aquatic Systems Biology
- Atmospheric Environmental Research
- Biogenic Polymers
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics IN
- Biological Chemistry
- Biopharmaceutical Technology
- Biostatistics
- Biotechnology CH
- Biotechnology of horticultural crops
- Biotechnology of Natural Products
- Biothermodynamics
- Brewing and Beverage Technology
- Cellular Agriculture
- Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Chemoinformatics and Protein Modelling
- Clinical Microbiom
- Complex Soft Matter
- Computational Mass Spectrometry
- Computational Neuroscience
- Computational Plant Biology
- Corporate Sustainability Brewery and Food Industry
- Crop Physiology
- Data Science in Systems Biology
- Digital Agriculture
- Earth Observation for Ecosystem Management
- Ecoclimatology
- Economics of Horticulture and Landscaping
- Ecosystem dynamics and Forest management in Mountain landscapes
- Environmental Microbiology
- Exercise, Nutrition and Health
- Experimental Genetics
- Experimental Radiation Oncology and Radiation Biology
- Food Biopolymer Systems
- Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science
- Food Process Engineering
- Forest and Agroforest Systems
- Forest Management
- Forest Nutrition and Water Resources
- Functional Materials for Food Packaging
- Functional Phytometabolomics
- Fungal Biotechnology in Wood Science
- Geomorphology and Soil Science
- Governance in International Agribusiness
- Green Technologies in Landscape Architecure
- Infection Pathogenesis
- Intestinal Microbiome
- Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Landscape Architecture and Transformation
- Landscape Architecture and Public Space
- Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space
- Livestock Biotechnology
- Livestock Systems
- Marketing and Consumer Research
- Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems
- Metabolic Programming
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Immunology
- Molecular Nutritional Medicine
- Nutrition and Immunology
- Nutritional Medicine
- Organic Agriculture and Agronomy
- Paediatric Nutritional Medicine
- Peptide Biochemistry
- Phytopathology
- Plant Biodiversity Research
- Plant Breeding
- Plant Cell Biology
- Plant Developmental Biology
- Plant Epigenomics
- Plant Genetics
- Plant Systems Biology
- Plant-Insect-Interactions
- Plant Proteins and Nutrition
- Population Genetics
- Precision Agriculture
- Prevention of Microbial Diseases
- Process systems engineering
- Proteomics and Bioanalytics
- Reproductive Biotechnology
- Restoration Ecology
- Root-Soil Interaction
- Soil Biophysics and Environmental Systems
- Soil Science
- Strategic Landscape Planning and Management
- Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agricultural Systems
- Terrestrial Ecology
- Theoretical Chemical Biology and Protein Modelling
- Translational Microbiome Data Integration
- Translational Nutritional Medicine
- Tree Growth and Wood Physiology
- Urban Productive Ecosystems
- Urban Water Systems Engineering
- Wood Science and Functionalization
- Zoology