Exchange semester at the TUM School of Life Sciences
Would you like to come to the TUM School of Life Sciences for an exchange semester?
Here you will find important information about application and instructions on how to register for the courses and modules in your degree programme.
In addition, we offer a variety of exciting research internships in which you work in small groups or with a single supervisor (usually a doctoral student or postdoc) on an independent laboratory project.
Modules for exchange students
The TUM School of Life Sciences offers a wide range of modules for international students. Here you can find out how to find suitable modules.
Important: A module can consist of several courses and the respective examinations. At TUM, credits are only awarded for complete modules.
The 98 exchange program: We have a special program for exchange students, which contains a selection of modules that are particularly suitable for visiting students: the 98 exchange program (no. 98 627).
- You can find all the content in the module catalog of the 98 exchange program, which is easy to search for initial orientation.
- You can also find the modules again in TUM Online, where further details (elements / courses and exam(s) of the Module, course times etc.) can be found:
Curriculum Exchange Program 98 627 - Please note that the modules are offered either in German or English. The respective language is explicitly stated in the module description. (The language in which the title or the module description itself is written is not always meaningful!).
- Please note: If “D/E” is stated in the module description, it cannot be guaranteed in advance that the module (or parts of it) will also be offered in English in your semester. This can only be determined at the beginning of the semester. In order to choose “D/E” modules, you should either be able to speak sufficient German or know alternative modules in English that you can switch to if necessary.
Further modules from the TUM module catalog: In addition, exchange students can choose modules from the entire TUM module catalog (select “Continue without registration” if you are not yet enrolled)
- Please note, however, that some modules are not suitable or possible for exchange students: (Modules with restricted access, subject entry requirements too high, two-semester modules, modules not offered at short notice...)
- It is therefore recommended to give priority to the modules of the 98 exchange program and only consider other courses if there are no suitable modules.
Module catalog & organization: The module catalog of the 98 exchange program is updated before the start of each semester. Detailed information on schedules and locations of the respective courses are available in TUMonline, but are sometimes only entered by the lecturers shortly before or at the start of the semester.
Research internships and research projects
In addition to the regular course offerings, there is the possibility of completing a research internship or research project at the TUM School of Life Sciences.
Procedure of a research internship: Students work in a small group or with a supervisor (usually a doctoral student or postdoc) on an independent laboratory project. The projects are part of the current research of the respective host laboratory. Students gain insights into the research topic and modern scientific methods.
Forschungspraktika und Forschungsprojekte
Neben dem regulären Lehrangebot gibt es die Möglichkeit, ein Forschungspraktikum oder Forschungsprojekt an der TUM School of Life Sciences zu absolvieren.
Ablauf eines Forschungspraktikums: Studierende arbeiten in einer Kleingruppe oder mit einem Betreuer (in der Regel ein Doktorand oder Postdoc) an einem eigenständigen Laborprojekt. Die Projekte sind Teil der aktuellen Forschung des jeweiligen Gastlabors. Studierende erhalten Einblicke in das Forschungsthema sowie in moderne wissenschaftliche Methoden.
Application: Interested students should apply directly to the relevant professorships of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
We expect all exchange students to take at least 50% of your workload (number of courses and ECTS credits) at TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan. Our courses can be identified by the WZ or LS Module Code (e.g. WZ2130). Please always indicate the WZ Module Code and course title in your learning agreement.
You should be aware that you always have to book MODULES in your Learning Agreement, but one module may consist of several COURSES.
If you have questions regarding modules or examinations, please contact your respective Student Exchange Coordinator. They are also responsible for questions and signatures regarding the Learning Agreement.
Finding accommodation in the surroundings of Munich is not easy. In Munich, Freising (and Rosenheim) the Studentenwerk offers affordable rooms and apartments for students.
Under the heading Student Accommodation you can find more tips about living.
In the framework of the Practical Research Experience Program (TUM PREP), TUM invites each summer excellent students from selected North American universities and the Imperial College London to spend an at least 10-week long research stay. Prospective students can apply for a stay at the TUM School of Life Sciences in Freising.
General information about examination periods and dates can be found in our study pages under examinations. For individual exam dates and registration please refer to TUMonline.
The following checklist shows you what you have to take into account at the end of the semester and on your departure.