To promote outstanding achievements in the field of sustainable resource management, the Audi Environmental Foundation has created the SRM Award. The prize is awarded to graduates of the Sustainable Resource Management master's degree course whose thesis contributes to sustainable interaction between people, nature and technology. The SRM Award is endowed with 1,500 euros and was presented for the first time in 2011.
On 15 June, two Master's students from the TUM School of Life Sciences - Alena Anderson Chilian-Heeb and Franziska Kraft - were presented with the Sustainability Resource Management (SRM) Award 2022 for their outstanding final theses.
Alena Anderson Chilian-Heeb wrote her master's thesis on "Consequences of land-use change on soil carbon storage forms, microbial 13C incorporation, and C-P relationships in Amazonian Dark Earth and Acrisols from Brazil". With this, Ms Chilian-Heeb directly contributes to a better understanding of sustainable soil fertility management and the function of soils as carbon reservoirs, which is particularly important in times of global change. Furthermore, dwindling soil fertility plays an important role in sustainable management.
Franziska Kraft wrote her Master's thesis on the following topic: "Central European forest fire regimes in a changing climate: a sensitivity analysis based on simulations with iLand". Process-based simulation models that take into account both forest development and the simulation of forest fires are important tools for assessing the possible consequences of an increase in forest fires, but are still largely untested for Central Europe. This is precisely where her Master's thesis comes in: for the first time in a Central European context. In doing so, she makes an important contribution to research on the topic of fire, forests and climate change.
Further information on the winners of previous years:
Susanne Neumann
TUM School of Life Sciences
Press and Public Relations