The best-known European science prizes are the ERC Grants, which are awarded by the European Research Council (ERC). In this way, the ERC supports top scientists in funding basic research and visionary projects, as well as in developing new interdisciplinary areas of knowledge.
Researchers from the TUM School of Life Sciences are represented in all three funding categories: the ERC Starting Grant for early career researchers whose PhDs were awarded between two and seven years ago, the newly established ERC Consolidator Grant, which is aimed at researchers who have completed their doctorate up to twelve years ago, and the ERC Advanced Grant, which is aimed at outstanding, already established researchers.

Prof. Dr. Julijana Gjorgjieva
Professorship of Computational Neurosciences
Feedback Circuits (2024)

Prof. Dr. Nina Henriette Uhlenhaut
Chair of Metabolic Programming
Project: Grace (2023)

Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management in Mountain Landscapes
Project: FORWARD (2021)

Chair of Animal Physiology and Immunology
Project: ToCCaTa (2017-2023)

Prof. Dr. Hristo Svilenov
Professur für Biopharmaceutical Technology
Project: PicoBody (2024)

Prof. Dr. Nadia Kamal
Professorship of Computational Plant Biology
Projekt: RESIST (2023)

Prof. Dr. Mathias Wilhelm
Professorship for Computational Mass Spectrometry
Project: ORIGIN (2023)

Prof. Dr. Katharina Scherf
Professorship of Food Biopolymer Systems
Project: GLUTENOMICS (2022)

Prof. Dr. Melanie Schirmer
ZIEL - Institute for Food and Health
Project: HEROINE (2022)

Prof. Dr. Li Deng
Professorship of Microbial Disease Prevention
Project: PHARMS (2019)

Prof. Dr. Julijana Gjorgjieva
Professorship of Computational Neurosciences
NeuroDevo (2019)

Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, previously Associate Professorship of Plant Genetics (until 2022)
RECEIVE (2018-2024)

Prof. Dr. Nina Henriette Uhlenhaut
Chair of Metabolic Programming
Project: SILENCE (2015-2021)

Prof. Dietmar Zehn
Chair of Animal Physiology and Immunology
Project: ProtecTC (2013-2018)

Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel
Professorship of Ecoclimatology
Project: E3 (2012-2016)