Start your Doctorate
Before you can start a doctorate at TUM, you first need to find a doctoral supervisor to supervise and support your project. Possibilities and ways to approach this as well as a lot of further information for applicants can be found on the Website of the TUM Graduate School.
Information and process:
To ensure that your relocation to Freising and the start of your doctorate goes as smoothly as possible, the Welcome Office of the TUM Graduate School put together a checklist for International Doctoral Candidates. National doctoral candidates can also find helpful tips here.
The entry in the doctoral candidates list represents the official start of your doctorate. At the same time, your membership in the TUM Graduate School begins.
The following steps have to be taken:
1. Find doctoral mother/doctoral father
2. Find a mentor or still take your time
3. Register on the doctoral candidates list with DocGS
4. Fill-in-help for your supervision agreement
5. Submit all required documents to the Graduate Center of Life Sciences.
The mentor's task is to support you in your dissertation project and in general.
Formally, there are three things to keep in mind:
- The mentor must hold at least a Dr. title. If possible, the mentorship should be taken on by independent persons who do not belong to the chair or professorship of the supervisor.
- The mentoring relationship is recorded in the mentoring agreement by the signature of the mentor.
- The mentor is a member of the TAC and must therefore attend the TAC meetings (at least two in the course of the doctorate).
In addition to searching independently, you are also welcome to use the TUM Mentoring Program to find a suitable mentor.
As soon as you are registered on the doctoral candidates list, you can also enrol voluntarily as a doctoral student and thereby benefit from discounts. This is possible for a maximum of 8 semesters.You can find instructions on how to enrol at TUM on the TUM Graduate School page.
You can find instructions on how to enrol at TUM Graduate School.
- Doctoral Regulations of 23.08.2021 with effect from 01.10.2021
- Explanatory notes TUM Regulations for the Awarding of Doctoral Degrees
- Statute of the TUM-GS of 23.08.2021 (English version coming soon)
- Doctoral Regulations with effect from 01.01.2014 and Statute of the TUM-GS from 01.09.2013
- Doctoral Regulations of the TUM as amended by the 4th Amendment Statute of June 3, 2020 (English version not available)
- Regulations of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences of 25.01.2022
- Supervision Agreement of the Graduate Center of Life Sciences
- Fill-in-help for your supervision agreement
- Richtlinien für die Vergabe von Doktorgraden an der TUM LS

Cereal Technology and Process Engineering
“During my Master's thesis, the exchange with researchers sparked my enthusiasm for my doctorate. I appreciate the interdisciplinary collaboration and the support, including when I was starting a family. Looking back, I am grateful because the doctorate has helped me enormously both professionally and personally.”

Restoration Ecology
“I came to my doctorate through my studies at TUM, where I got my job through tutoring activities and a recommendation from my professor. I am particularly happy about the collaboration with my great team, the great independence in my research and the opportunity to inspire young people for science in their final theses. I would advise anyone interested to apply proactively, approach professors and choose a topic that really fascinates them, as this will significantly boost their motivation and success.”

Climate Change and Biodiversity Assessment
“I came to do my doctorate at TUM through an exciting position at the interface of environmental sciences, agriculture and economics, which I discovered on the TUM website. I was immediately impressed by the open atmosphere. I particularly appreciate the continuing education programs, the interdisciplinary exchange and the opportunity to take part in conferences. My advice to anyone interested is to be courageous, contribute your own ideas and approach your doctorate with curiosity and passion.”