Center of Advanced Light Microscopy
The Center of Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) belongs to the science and technology platform imaging@TUM and is located at the TUM School of Life Sciences. CALM houses several state-of-the art confocal microscopes and enables scientists to include in their work approaches involving time-correlated single photon counting, such as Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), Fluorescence Anisotropy (FA), or Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS).
Goals and strategy
- Technology development
Collaborate with research groups and manufacturers to develop novel applications of modern microscopy in the molecular life sciences.
- Scientific and technical consulting
Engagement in all phases of a project to design the most promising experiments and to align experimentator's expectations with what the technology can deliver.
- Access to state-of-the art microscopy
The CALM imaging unit provides unbureaucratic and affordable access to modern equipment and up-to-date knowledge in advanced confocal microscopy and microspectrometry in life science research.
- Teaching
Lab courses and workshops designed to educate the next generation of young scientists in state-of-the art microscopy and image informatics.
The Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) provides infrastructure and guidance enabling scientists to perform fluoreszence-based techniques, such as live imaging, confocal microscopy, super-resolution microscopy as well as time-resolved fluorescence (FRET, FLIM, fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy).

The Leica TCS SP8 with White Light Laser (WLL) and HyVolution 2 Software extension.
Technical Specification | |
Mikrocope Stand | DM6 CS, upright, motorized |
Scanner | TCS confocal point scanner with AOBS and AOBM, galvo/resonance-hybrid |
Objectives | HCPL APO 63x/NA 1.20/WD 0.30, Water CORR CS2; HCPL APO 63x/NA 1.30/WD 0.30, Glycerol CORR CS2; HCPL APO 40x/NA 1.10/WD 0.65, Water IMM CORR CS2; HCPL APO 20x/NA 0.75/WD 0.67, IMM CORR CS2; HCPL FLUOTAR 10x/NA 0.30/WD 11.0. |
Laser | 405 nm, 50 mW (diode); multi-argon (458 nm, 476 nm, 488 nm, 496 nm, 514 nm), 65 mW. White-light laser (WLL): eight freely adjustable excitation wavelengths in 1 nm steps (470 - 670 nm) |
Detection | 2x HyD GaAsP; 2x PMT |
Software | LAS X SP8 Control Software/Dye Finder/Live Data Mode/MicroLab LAS X HyVolution 2: HyVolution 2 seamlessly integrates the SVI Huygens Essentials (18.04) software suite for deconvolution and image processing (GPU accelerated). It also includes the standalone Huygens Essentials software, which allows full control of all deconvolution parameters. For tutorials, etc., see the SVI website: SVI - Scientific Volume Imaging |

The Olympus FV3000 with an upgrade for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM).
Technical Specifications: Olympus | |
Microscope Stand | IX83, inverse, motorized |
Scanner | Confocal point scanner, galvo/resonance-hybrid |
Objectives | UPLSAPO60XS2 60x/NA 1.3/WD 0.3, silicon oil immersion; UPLSAPO60XW 60x/NA 1.2/WD 0.28, water immersion; UPLSAPO20X 20x/NA 0.75/WD 0.6; UPLSAPO10X2 10x/NA 0.4/WD 3.1. |
Laser | All diode: 405 nm, 50 mW; 445 nm, 75 mW; 488 nm, 20 mW; 514 nm, 40 mW; 561 nm, 50 mW; 640 nm, 40 mW. |
Detection | Olympus four-channel TruSpectral detection system (2x GaAsP, 2x PMT) |
Software | Olympus FV 3000 Imaging Software, CellSens Desktop Version 1
PicoQuant advanced FCS/FLIM-FRET/rapidFLIM upgrade kit | |
Laser driver | PDL 828 SEPIA II |
Pulsed lasers (diode): | 440 nm (LDH-D-C-440), 485 nm (LDH-D-C-485), 560 nm (LDH-D-TA-560) |
Time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and event timing | TCSPC Modul TimeHarp 260 PICO Dual TCSPC Modul TimeHarp 260 NANO Dual |
Photon counting detectors | 2x PMA Hybrid 40 |
Software | PicoQuant SymPhoTime 64 |

The Olympus FV1000, our "Workhorse"
Technical Specifications | |
Microscope Stand | IX83, inverse, motorized |
Scanner | Confocal point scanner |
Objectives | Air: UPLAN FLN10X (10x/0.30/WD 10), UPLAN FLN20X (20x/0.50, WD 2.1); Water: PLANAPO 40XW LSM (40x/0.90), UPLANSAPO 60XW (60x/1.2/WD 0.28), LUMPLANFL 40XW (40x/0.80/WD 3.3), LUMFL 60XW (60x/1.10/WD 1.5); Oil: UAPO/340 (40x/1.35/WD 0.1), UPLANSAPO 60X (60x/1.35/WD 0.15), UPLANSAPO 100XO (100x/1.40/WD 0.13). |
Laser | 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm (all diode); 633 nm (He-Ne). |
Detection | 2x GaAsP, 3x PMT |
Software | Olympus FluoView software |

An Olympus BX61 which is equipped with a conventional light unit (for bright field, dark field, DIC, etc.) and an Hg-Lamp for conventional fluorescence. This includes filters for GFP, YFP, RFP etc. The optical system is largely motorized, e. g. the different filters are coupled into the light path via the PC/program. The stage is not motorized.
Technical Specifications | |
Mikroskop-Stativ | BX61 upright |
Objectives | Air: UPLAN FLN4X (4x/0.13/WD 17), UPLAN FLN 10X (10x/0.30/ Ph1/WD 10), UPLAN FLN 20X (20x/0.50/ Ph1/WD 2.1), UPLAN SAPO 40X (40x/0.90/WD 0.18); Oil: PLANAPO 60X (60x/1.42/WD 0.15), UPLAN FLN 100X (100x/1.30/Ph3/WD 0.2). |
Detection | Monochrome camera: Olympus DP23M; Color camera: Olympus DP28. |
Filterblocks | Bandpass emission filter: U-MWIBA3 (EGFP, EYFP, Venus...), U-MYFPHQ (EYFP, Venus...) Longpass emission filter: U-MWU2 (BFP...), U-MWB2 (EYFP, Venus...), U-MWG2 (EtBr, Nile Red...) DIC: U-MDICT3 |
Software | Olympus cellSens Standard |
Associated Equipment at other chairs
In addition to the microscopes operated by CALM, there are other microscopes that can be made available by other chairs. You can find a list of these devices here. For further details, please contact the responsible chairs.

Type: Confocal microscope
Location: Building 4223, Chair of Plant Systems Biology, Emil-Ramann-Str. 8
Contact: Prof. Schwechheimer

Type: Confocal microscope
Location: Building 4217, Chair of Phytopathology, Emil-Ramann-Str. 2
Contact: Prof. Hückelhoven

Type: Tile-scanning microscope
Technical details: Leica DMI8, inverse, fluorescent microscope (DAPI, Alexa488, Alexa 555, Alexa 594, Alexa 647, CFP, YFP, RFP, Cy7), scanning table, b/w camera, CoolLED illumination
Location: Building 4124, Chair of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Weihenstephaner Berg 3
Contact: Prof. Zehn.
CALM offers a central data repository that is based on the open-source system OMERO. OMERO is a product of "Open Microscopy Environment (OME), a consortium of universities, research labs, industry and developers producing open-source software and format standards for microscopy data ( The CALM Server is operated by the on-campus Life Sciences IT (LSIT).
The database can be accessed with a webclient (use eduVPN) or with the OMERO desktop client software (OMERO.insight, Server adress: Please use OMERO.insight 5.5.19 (Windows, Mac, Linux).
Webaccess: CALM Omero Server
CALM users can find Mauals and technical notes for CALM microscopes on the BAYERNCollab-Wiki (login with your TUM credentials): CALM Manuals
The Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) is a TUM facility located at the TUM School of Life Sciences (SoLS) to support the advanced light microscopy needs of the scientific research groups at the Life Science Center Weihenstephan (SoLS). According to prior agreement, TUM groups outside the SoLS and external research groups may also use the CALM facility.
Following registration and appropriate technical instruction organized by CALM, users can access different microscopy systems at CALM and associated scientific groups at the SoLS.
The Head of CALM and the steering committee can make changes to the user guidelines.
The members of the steering committee are:
- Prof. Dr. K. Schneitz (Coordinator of the CALM Initiative)
- Dr. Klaus Michel (Head of CALM)
- Prof. Dr. C. Schwechheimer
- Prof. Dr. R. Hückelhoven
- Prof. Dr. H. Luksch
CALM staff:
- Dr. Klaus Michel, Klaus.michel(at)
- Katrin Wassmer (technician, part-time), katrin.wassmer(at)
- Susanna Fink (administration, part-time), office.calm(at)
A staff of the corresponding chairs/groups oversees CALM-associated microscopes.
CALM website
Further information, including contact information, the available imaging systems, and the online booking calendars, can be found on the CALM website. CALM.
The CALM website, instructions for use, manuals, etc., are updated and improved from time to time. Users are expected to inform themselves about these updates.
Access and booking rules
During the booked time, the user is fully responsible for the instrument.
Users get separate instructions for each CALM microscope. They confirm that they have received this instruction with their signature. With this, the instructed user is registered to work on his/her own and on his/her own responsibility with the corresponding microscope.
Upon instruction and registration, users receive booking information and a password for the CALM microscopes. Booking is organized via an online booking system (CALM-booking).
Microscopes can only be booked and operated by registered and CALM-instructed users. Operation by third parties or booking by third parties is not permitted.
An unregistered user may work at a system as long as he/she is under the constant supervision of a registered user. The registered user is then responsible for the microscope.
The instruments can be booked up to 21 days in advance.
During daily working hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.), the instruments can be booked for a maximum duration of four hours per day per user.
Booking periods exceeding four hours require special arrangements with CALM staff.
During evening/night hours and weekends, booking time is not limited.
- There are further confocal laser scanning microscopes on the campus (“CALM-associated“ microscopes). Booking of CALM-associated microscopes requires arrangement with the corresponding Chairs/scientific groups.
User fees
Users are charged a specific hourly user fee. The fees cover costs for maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on the users in proportion to their hours of usage. CALM charges 10 € per hour per Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope but not more than 1500 € per year per chair/professorship. TUM groups outside the WZW pay 20 € and external research groups pay 30 € per hour. Non-cancellations or late cancellations (less than 24 hours in advance) will be considered as full time booking.
Liability and Insurance
The user is responsible for the microscope and the material during the reserved time slot. In case of improper operation, he/she or the respective group leader will have to pay for damage, as there is NO CALM INSURANCE for any equipment! If no CALM personnel or responsible personnel (associated microscopes) is present, each user has to ensure that in case of an accident, he/she is not on his/her own and can call for help. This especially applies when working during off-time hours (5 p.m. - 9 a.m.)..
Precautions and Rules for Running the Microscopes
- Turn on all lasers you’ll need during initial start-up (but only those).
- When switching a system on or off, please consult the (updated) instructions on the webpage. Always refer to them as they may contain new information.
- Since switching lasers and lamps off/on within short intervals drastically reduces their lifetime, a 2-HOUR-RULE applies!
- Lasers and fluorescence bulbs must remain turned on (STANDBY mode), if the time interval between two slots is 2 hours or less (lasers that are not used within the next 2 hours should be switched off).
- To ensure that systems are switched off properly, you have to double-check the actual booking status of the instrument at the end of your time slot in the online booking system (the user after you might have deleted her/his booking at the last minute).
- If you remove your time slot on short notice, i.e., during your booking day, be aware that the system might have been left on for you. THE USER IS RESPONSIBLE for properly switching the system off to avoid it remaining turned on over longer periods of time without being used! YOU ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE for properly switching off the system or for informing/handing it over to the next colleague if you quit earlier!
- If a system has just been switched off right before you planned to use it (you see that in the booking schedule), provide the lasers and lamps with at least 30 minutes to cool down before restarting the system.
- Once you turn a mercury lamp on, it must remain on for at least 30 minutes before being turned off. If not otherwise indicated (e.g., Olympus FV3000), once it’s turned off, it must be off for at least 30 minutes before being turned on. If the mercury lamp has passed the maximum hours of use, do not turn it on! The bulb must be replaced.
- After switching off the mercury lamp, it remains very hot for some time. Be careful not to let the microscope cover touch it!
- Please handle the objectives with utmost care (they are the most valuable parts of the microscopes in terms of good images and costs!).
- The objective type (air, water, oil, silicone, immersion versus dipping lens, magnification) is explicitly indicated on the objective housing and in the software.
- The objective revolvers must always be lowered and centered BEFORE the stages are moved or homed (calibrated) when switching on a system and after usage.
- After finishing your work, position the objective revolver to a low magnification lens (usually 10X or lower) set. In addition, always set the objective revolver to the 10X position when you want to remove a slide/coverslips from the holder.
- Be extra careful not to touch the objectives!
- Focus carefully to avoid crashing into the coverslips (check by eye, if the objective is still in a safe position).
- Oil objectives have to be cleaned with the provided lens paper after usage. Do not wipe with kimwipes, and do not wipe too much on the lens itself. On inverted microscopes, carefully clean the objective housing around the lens to avoid oil rinsing down into the optical system below the objective.
- Only use oil provided by CALM for the individual microscopes. Clean the coverslips of your samples upon imaging them on different systems with different oil. Mixing of oil of different brands or oil and water/medium can cause damage to lenses (check self-assembled cell chambers for live cell imaging for leakage!).
- Air/water objectives must not get in contact with oil – if you realize that an air objective has got into contact with oil, please contact CALM staff.
- There are possibly more objectives available than mounted on the microscopes (see VIII CALM microscopes).
- The different microscopes are all located in S1 facilities. Thus, the corresponding laws and regulations apply, and only S1 material can be handled in these rooms. The users must obtain permission to work under S1 conditions and abide by the known S1 regulations (as publicized in the annual S1 instruction). Users not following these instructions will be banned from using the microscope.
- Please tidy the CALM rooms, clean spills with ethanol, and remove any personal material before leaving.
- Access to CALM facilities is provided by numerical code for the panels at the doors. Users get the code when instructed.
- Please make sure to lock the doors if you are the last to leave the facility.
- If systems are defective, please inform the staff immediately BEFORE using the system.
- Removal of any CALM material (objectives, immersion oil, etc.) from any microscope room or moving material between rooms is strictly forbidden. Users not following these instructions may be banned from using the microscope.
Every microscope has an associated logbook. The user is required to register and record the date and time (start and end of session) and the use of laser and/or mercury lamp, and which objectives were used.
The user has to confirm that he/she cleaned the objectives at the end of the session. Users who do not follow these regulations will not be allowed further access to the microscope.
6. Data Storage and Publishing
After image acquisition, data must be uploaded to the remote storage of the user’s workgroup, maintained by the Life Sciences IT (LSIT). The LSIT provides a temporary storage “forecourt“, from which data can be transferred to the own computer. Alternatively, an OMERO database can be used on the CALM server at the ITW.
Unless otherwise instructed by CALM, USB sticks are forbidden to be used for data transfer! The CALM facility cannot take any liability for any data stored on the CALM computer. Data stored on a CALM computer may be deleted without warning.
Images and data generated with CALM microscopes might become part of publications, Ph.D. theses, or other types of publications. In this case, it is mandatory to acknowledge the use of the CALM facility in the corresponding publication, and a brief note needs to be sent to the head of CALM. Acknowledgment will help us to demonstrate our value for your scientific work and can enhance our future efforts to secure funding to bring you additional instruments and services.
Examples of the wording of Acknowledgements in papers:
- We acknowledge the Center of Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) at the TUM School of Life Sciences.
- The authors acknowledge the facilities and the scientific and technical assistance of the Center of Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) at the TUM School of Life Sciences.
- We acknowledge the support of the Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
- Microscopic data in this paper were produced at the Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
- Confocal imaging was performed at the Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM) of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
7. Warnings and Information
We control the proper handling/booking of the instruments and record violations of the guidelines (you’ll be informed if you get a record).
Please be aware of the following terms:
- If a user refrains from using their time slot for a microscope on short notice and another user steps in, the second user must indicate this in the booking schedule. If the booking under their name is missing, they get a first warning. Upon the second incidence, further usage of the CALM facility may be prohibited.
- A user gets a record if they don’t shut down the system correctly - either because they forgot to switch the system off after their time slot or upon spontaneous cancellation of their time slot without controlling if the previous user has shut the system down. In any case, the period will be regarded as booked time.
- Information about changes in CALM systems (updates, new equipment, actual status of systems, upcoming events) will be posted on the CALM web page. It may also be posted on the microscope itself. Users are responsible for getting informed about any changes regarding the microscopes and regulations
CALM is offering the following courses:
- Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy - Theory and Function (WZ0004)
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging - Theory and Function (WZ0005)
Both courses are offered as block courses. In a theoretical part, the basics are taught, followed by a practical part in which the students can work on the microscopes of the CALM. Further information can be found in TUMonline.
Bohn, L., Huang, J., Weidig, S., Yang, Z., Heidersberger, C., Genty, B., Falter-Braun, P., Christmann, A., & Grill, E. (2024). The temperature sensor TWA1 is required for thermotolerance in Arabidopsis. Nature, 629(8014), 1126–1132.
Eschrig, S., Schäffer, M., Shu, L.-J., Illig, T., Eibel, S., Fernandez, A., & Ranf, S. (2024). LORE receptor homomerization is required for 3-hydroxydecanoic acid-induced immune signaling and determines the natural variation of immunosensitivity within the Arabidopsis genus. The New Phytologist, 242(5), 2163–2179.
Graf, A., Bassukas, A. E. L., Xiao, Y., Barbosa, I. C. R., Mergner, J., Grill, P., Michalke, B., Kuster, B., & Schwechheimer, C. (2024). D6PK plasma membrane polarity requires a repeated CXX(X)P motif and PDK1-dependent phosphorylation. Nature Plants.
Mody, T. A., Rolle, A., Stucki, N., Roll, F., Bauer, U., & Schneitz, K. (2024). Topological analysis of 3D digital ovules identifies cellular patterns associated with ovule shape diversity. Development (Cambridge, England), 151(20), dev202590.
Vijayan, A., Mody, T. A., Yu, Q., Wolny, A., Cerrone, L., Strauss, S., Tsiantis, M., Smith, R. S., Hamprecht, F. A., Kreshuk, A., & Schneitz, K. (2024). A deep learning-based toolkit for 3D nuclei segmentation and quantitative analysis in cellular and tissue context. Development (Cambridge, England), 151(14), dev202800.
Wiese, C., Abele, M., Al, B., Altmann, M., Steiner, A., Kalbfuß, N., Strohmayr, A., Ravikumar, R., Park, C. H., Brunschweiger, B., Meng, C., Facher, E., Ehrhardt, D. W., Falter-Braun, P., Wang, Z.-Y., Ludwig, C., & Assaad, F. F. (2024). Regulation of adaptive growth decisions via phosphorylation of the TRAPPII complex in Arabidopsis. Journal of Cell Biology, 223(5), e202311125.
Yu, Y., Zhu, R., Xu, H., Enugutti, B., Schneitz, K., Wang, X., & Li, J. (2024). Twin Embryos in Arabidopsis thaliana KATANIN 1 Mutants. Plants, 13(13), Article 13.
Chen, X., Leśniewska, B., Boikine, R., Yun, N., Mody, T. A., Vaddepalli, P., & Schneitz, K. (2023). Arabidopsis MCTP family member QUIRKY regulates the formation of the STRUBBELIG receptor kinase complex. Plant Physiology, 193(4), 2538–2554.
Engelhardt, S., Trutzenberg, A., Kopischke, M., Probst, K., McCollum, C., Hofer, J., & Hückelhoven, R. (2023). Barley RIC157, a potential RACB scaffold protein, is involved in susceptibility to powdery mildew. Plant Molecular Biology, 111(4), 329–344.
Glunk, V., Laber, S., Sinnott-Armstrong, N., Sobreira, D. R., Strobel, S. M., Batista, T. M., Kubitz, P., Moud, B. N., Ebert, H., Huang, Y., Brandl, B., Garbo, G., Honecker, J., Stirling, D. R., Abdennur, N., Calabuig-Navarro, V., Skurk, T., Ocvirk, S., Stemmer, K., … Claussnitzer, M. (2023). A non-coding variant linked to metabolic obesity with normal weight affects actin remodelling in subcutaneous adipocytes. Nature Metabolism, 5(5), 861–879.
Ortner, M., Guschtschin-Schmidt, N., Stelzer, W., Muhle-Goll, C., & Langosch, D. (2023). Permissive Conformations of a Transmembrane Helix Allow Intramembrane Proteolysis by γ-Secretase. Journal of Molecular Biology, 435(18), 168218.
Wiese, C., Abele, M., Al, B., Altmann, M., Steiner, A., Kalbfuß, N., Strohmayr, A., Ravikumar, R., Park, C. H., Brunschweiger, B., Meng, C., Facher, E., Ehrhardt, D. W., Falter-Braun, P., Wang, Z.-Y., Ludwig, C., & Assaad, F. F. (2023). Regulation of adaptive growth decisions via phosphorylation of the TRAPPII complex in Arabidopsis (p. 2023.04.24.537966). bioRxiv.
Winogrodzki, T., Metwaly, A., Grodziecki, A., Liang, W., Klinger, B., Flisikowska, T., Fischer, K., Flisikowski, K., Steiger, K., Haller, D., & Schnieke, A. (2023). TNFΔARE Pigs: A Translational Crohn’s Disease Model. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 17(7), 1128–1138.
Cerrone, L., Vijayan, A., Mody, T., Schneitz, K., & Hamprecht, F. A. (2022). CellTypeGraph: A New Geometric Computer Vision Benchmark. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 20865–20875.
Chaudhary, A., & Schneitz, K. (2022). Using Steady-State Fluorescence Anisotropy to Study Protein Clustering. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2457, 253–260.
Kalbfuß, N., Strohmayr, A., Kegel, M., Le, L., Grosse-Holz, F., Brunschweiger, B., Stöckl, K., Wiese, C., Franke, C., Schiestl, C., Prem, S., Sha, S., Franz-Oberdorf, K., Hafermann, J., Thiemé, M., Facher, E., Palubicki, W., Bolle, C., & Assaad, F. F. (2022). A role for brassinosteroid signalling in decision-making processes in the Arabidopsis seedling. PLoS Genetics, 18(12), e1010541.
Strauss, S., Runions, A., Lane, B., Eschweiler, D., Bajpai, N., Trozzi, N., Routier-Kierzkowska, A.-L., Yoshida, S., Rodrigues da Silveira, S., Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Majda, M., Echevin, E., Le Gloanec, C., Bertrand-Rakusova, H., Adibi, M., Schneitz, K., Bassel, G. W., Kierzkowski, D., … Smith, R. S. (2022). Using positional information to provide context for biological image analysis with MorphoGraphX 2.0. eLife, 11, e72601.
Vijayan, A., Strauss, S., Tofanelli, R., Mody, T. A., Lee, K., Tsiantis, M., Smith, R. S., & Schneitz, K. (2022). The annotation and analysis of complex 3D plant organs using 3DCoordX. Plant Physiology, 189(3), 1278–1295.
Yang, S., de Haan, M., Mayer, J., Janacek, D. P., Hammes, U. Z., Poppenberger, B., & Sieberer, T. (2022). A novel chemical inhibitor of polar auxin transport promotes shoot regeneration by local enhancement of HD-ZIP III transcription. New Phytologist, 235(3), 1111–1128.
Chaudhary, A., Chen, X., Leśniewska, B., Boikine, R., Gao, J., Wolf, S. and Schneitz, K. (2021). “Cell wall damage attenuates root hair patterning and tissue morphogenesis mediated by the receptor kinase STRUBBELIG.” Development 148:dev199425.
Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Strauss, S., Cerrone, L., Wolny, A., Strohmeier, J., Kreshuk, A., Hamprecht, F., Smith, S.R. and Schneitz, K. (2021). “A digital 3D reference atlas reveals cellular growth patterns shaping the Arabidopsis ovule.” eLife 10:e63262.
Cabrera, B., Hirl, R.T., Zhu, J., Schäufele, R. and Schnyder, H. (2020). “Atmospheric CO2 and VPD alter the diel oscillation of leaf elongation in perennial ryegrass: compensation of hydraulic limitation by stored-growth” New Phytol 227:1776-1789.
Chaudhary, A., Chen, X., Gao, J., Lesniewska, B., Hammerl, R., Dawid, C. and Schneitz, K (2020). The Arabidopsis receptor kinase STRUBBELIG regulates the response to cellulose deficiency. PLoS Genetics 16:e1008433.
Engelhardt, S., Kopischke, M., Hofer, J., Probst, K., McCollum, C. and Hückelhoven R. (2020). “Barley RIC157 is involved in RACB-mediated susceptibility to powdery mildew.” bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/848226.
Garcia, V.J., Xu, S-L., Ravikumar, R., Wang, W., Elliott, L., Fesenko, M., Altmann, M., Falter-Braun, P., Moore, I., Burlingame, A., Assaad, F.F., Wang, Z.Y. 2020. TRIPP is a plant-specific component of the Arabidopsis TRAPPII membrane trafficking complex with important roles in plant development. Plant Cell 32:2424.
Hoefle, C., McCollum, C., Hückelhoven, R. (2020). Barley ROP-Interactive Partner-a organizes into RAC1- and MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED ROP-GTPASE ACTIVATING PROTEIN 1-dependent membrane domains. BMC Plant Biol 20:94.
McCollum, C., Engelhardt, S., Weiss, L., Hückelhoven, R. (2020). ROP INTERACTIVE PARTNER b interacts with RACB and supports fungal penetration into barley epidermal cells. Plant Phys 184:823-836.
Mergner, J., Frejno, M., List, M., Papacek, M., Chen, X., Chaudhary, A., Samaras, P., Richter, S., Shikata, H., Messerer, M., Lang, D., Altmann, S., Cyprys, P., Zolg, D. P., Mathieson, T., Bantscheff, M., Hazarika, R. R., Schmidt, T., Dawid, C., Dunkel, A., Hofmann, T., Sprunck, S., Falter-Braun, P., Johannes, F., Mayer, K. F. X., Jürgens, G., Wilhelm, M., Baumbach, J., Grill, E., Schneitz, K., Schwechheimer, C., and Küster, B. (2020). "Mass-spectrometry-based draft of the Arabidopsis proteome". Nature 579:409-414.
Poretska, O., Yang, S., Pitorre, D., Poppenberger, B., Sieberer, T. (2020). AMP1 and CYP78A5/7 act through a common pathway to govern cell fate maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet 16: e1009043.
Weiss, L., Reiner, T., Mergner, J., Küster, B., Feher, A., Hensel, G., Gahrtz, M., Kumlehn, J., Engelhardt, S., Hückelhoven, R. (2020). Posttranslational modification of the RHO of plants protein RACB by phosphorylation and cross-kingdom conserved ubiquitination. bioRxiv 121228.
Wolny, A., Cerrone, L., Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Vilches Barro, A., Louveaux, M., Wenzl, C., Strauss, S., Wilson-Sánchez, D., Lymbouridou, R., Steigleder, S., Pape, C., Bailoni, A., Duran-Nebreda, S., Bassel, G., Lohmann, J., Tsiantis, M., Hamprecht, F.A., Schneitz, K., Maizel, A. and Kreshuk, A. (2020). “Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution.” eLife 9:e57613.
Engelhardt, S., Kopischke, M., Hofer, J,. Probst, K., McCollum, C., Hückelhoven, R. (2019). Barley RIC157 is involved in RACB-mediated susceptibility to powdery mildew. bioRxiv 848226.
Tofanelli, R., Vijayan, A., Scholz, S. and Schneitz, K. (2019). Protocol for rapid clearing and staining of fixed Arabidopsis ovules for improved imaging by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Plant Methods, 15:120.
Kalde, M., Elliott, L., Ravikumar, R., Rybak, K., Altmann, M., Klaeger, S., Wiese, C., Abele, M., Al, B., Kalbfuß, N., Qi, X., Steiner, A., Meng, C., Zheng, H., Kuster, B., Falter-Braun, P., Ludwig, C., Moore, I., and Assaad, F.F. (2019). Interactions between Transport Protein Particle (TRAPP) complexes and Rab GTPases in Arabidopsis. Plant J 100:279-297.
Mucha, S., Heinzlmeir, S., Kriechbaumer, V., Strickland, B., Kirchhelle, C., Choudhary, M., Kowalski, N., Eichmann, R., Hückelhoven, R., Grill, E., Küster, B., and Glawischnig, E. (2019). The formation of a camalexin biosynthetic metabolon.Plant Cell 31:2697-2710.
Ruschhaupt, M., Mergner, J., Mucha, S., Papacek, M., Doch, I., Tischer, S., Hemmler, D., Chiasson, D., Edel, K.H., Kudla, J., Schmitt-Koplin, P., Kuster, B, and Grill, E (2019). Rebuilding core abscisic acid signaling pathways of Arabidopsis in yeast. EMBO J 38:e101859.
Gao, J., Chaudhary, A., Vaddepalli, P., Nagel, M-K., Isono, E. and Schneitz, K. (2019). Tissue morphogenesis mediated by the Arabidopsis receptor kinase STRUBBELIG involves a clathrin-dependent process.J Exp Bot 70:3881-3894.
Scholz, S., Pleßmann, J., Enugutti, B., Hüttl, R., Wassmer, K. and Schneitz, K. (2019). The AGC protein kinase UNICORN controls planar growth by attenuating PDK1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 15:e1007927

Dr. Klaus Michel
Head of CALM
Laser Safety Officer
Tel. +49 8161 71 5643
Susanna Fink
Tel. +49 8161 71 3621
The steering committee is responsible for the CALM's guidelines. The members set goals, work on solving problems and decide on new equipment.
- Prof. Dr. K. Schneitz
Coordinator of the CALM Initiative
Associate Professorship of Plant Developmental Biology
- Dr. Klaus Michel
- Prof. Dr. Ralph Hückelhoven
Chair of Phytopathology - Prof. Dr. Harald Luksch
Chair of Zoology - Prof. Dr. Claus Schwechheimer
Chair of Plant Systems Biology

CALM is located at:
Biologikum Weihenstephan
Plant Developmental Biology
Emil-Ramann-Str. 4
85354 Freising
Microscopes: 122/125
Lab: 115A