Student Representative Bodies
The six different student representatives at the TUM School of Life Sciences represent the interests of the students and ensure variety in the daily study routine. As a student you are automatically part of the student council. If you want to get actively involved and help shape the future of TUM students, then become a member of your student council.
In higher education policy, the student councils of the individual departments represent their students and can thus actively participate in shaping their studies and the campus. Therefore, representatives from the various student representatives sit on many committees. You have a say!
In addition, the student representatives network with each other and with potential employers. Many graduates, who are now in the middle of their professional lives, keep in touch with the alma mater and the student council and can thus give you valuable tips. In addition, you will receive help in finding your way around your studies and valuable tips on preparing for your exams.
To ensure that you don't just sit in the lecture hall or the library, the student representatives organise many events ranging from social courtyard parties, lectures and theme evenings to various parties. Among the legendary must-haves during your studies are certainly the SCW cafeteria party, the Niko party in the forestry buildings, the Landespfleger Fasching, the summer party of the brewing students, the Hoffest in Dürnast, as well as Ernie and Biowiss parties in the Nachtcafe.
You can find more detailed information on the websites of your six student representatives and on the SCW website:

Associated students:
Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences B.Sc. | Agrosystem Sciences M.Sc. | Agricultural Biosciences M.Sc.
Fachschaft für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 3
85354 Freising

Associated students:
Life Sciences Biology B.Sc. | Biology M.Sc. | Molecular Biotechnology B.Sc. | Molecular Biotechnology M.Sc.
Fachschaft Biowissenschaften
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5
85354 Freising

Associated students:
Brewing with degree Master brewer ("Diplombraumeister") | Brewing and Beverage Technology B.Sc. | Brewing and Beverage Technology M.Sc. | Food Technology B.Sc. | Food Technology M.Sc. | Pharmaceutical Bioprocess Engineering B.Sc. | Pharmaceutical Bioprocess Engineering M.Sc.
Fachschaft für Brauwesen, Lebensmitteltechnologie und Bioprozesstechnik e. V.
Maximus-von-Imhof Forum 3
85354 Freising

Associated students:
Life Sciences Nutrition B.Sc. | Nutrition and Biomedicine M.Sc.
Fachschaft Ernährungswissenschaft
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5
85350 Freising

Associated students:
Forest Science and Resource Management B.Sc. | Forest and Wood Science M.Sc. | Sustainable Resource Management M.Sc.
Fachschaft Forstwissenschaft & Ressourcenmanagement e.V.
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
Raum 1.1.EG4
D-85354 Freising

Associated students:
Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning B.Sc. | Ecological Engineering M.Sc. | Conservation and Landscape Planning M.Sc.
Fachschaft Landschaft
Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5
85354 Freising

Student Council Weihenstephan (SCW)
The SCW is the merger of all six student representatives of the TUM School of Life Sciences.
Each department is represented by representatives of the student council.