Professor für Holzwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität München sowie Leiter des TUM Forschungslaboratoriums Holz (HFM@TUM)
2003 - 2011
Leiter der Empa Abteilung Holz. Lehraufträge an der ETH Zürich und der TU Graz
1987 - 2002
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Holz der Eidgenössischen Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt Empa, Dübendorf (Schweiz).Im Rahmen dieser Tätigkeit einjähriger Post-Doc Aufenthalt (1992/93) am USDA Forest Products Laboratory in Madison (Wisconsin, USA).
1984 - 1986
Zweijähriges DFG-Projekt 'Aufbau einer dendrochronologischen Datenbank zur Altersbestimmung von Holzfunden auf der Iberischen Halbinsel' in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Departamento de Maderas del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA) und dem Instituto Arqueológico Alemán in Madrid (Spanien) mit Promotionsabschluss 1988 an der Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Biologie.
Diplom Holzwirt Universität Hamburg
Interaktionen Holzpolymere und technische Behandlungsstoffe
Böhm, Florian; Richter, Klaus; Risse, Michael: Cascading potential of salvaged rafters from building demolition and deconstruction in southern Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2025, 144675 mehr…BibTeX
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Böger, Thomas; Engelhardt, Max; Richter, Klaus; Sanchez-Ferrer, Antoni: The impact of primers for wood bonding on beech wood’s Young’s modulus. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 83 (1), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Engelhardt, Max; Böger, Thomas; Gigl, Michael; Meng, Chen; Richter, Klaus; Sánchez-Ferrer, Antoni: Mechanical and morphological bond line properties of silver birch wood pretreated by aqueous extraction. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 44 (2), 2024, 114-132 mehr…BibTeX
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Szichta, Pia; Risse, Michael; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Environmental potentials from wood cascading: A future-oriented consequential yet dynamic approach considering market and time-dependent biogenic carbon effects for selected scenarios under German conditions. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 9, 2024, 100103 mehr…BibTeX
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Engelhardt, Max; Böger, Thomas; Gigl, Michael; Meng, Chen; Soprunyuk, Viktor; Schranz, Wilfried; Richter, Klaus; Sanchez-Ferrer, Antoni: Interactions of hydrophilic birch wood (Betula pendula Roth) extractives with adhesives for load-bearing timber structures. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2023, 103447 mehr…BibTeX
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Sander-Titgemeyer, Anna; Risse, Michael; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Applying an iterative prospective LCA approach to emerging wood-based technologies: three German case studies. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Seeber, Franziska; Khaloian-Sarnaghi, Ani; Rais, Andreas; van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem: A numerical strength prediction approach for wood using element-wise local fiber directions from laser scanning. Materials & Design 226, 2023, 111578 mehr…BibTeX
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Warlo, Hannes; Windeisen-Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Brüchert, Franka; Sauter, Udo H.; Richter, Klaus: Extractives in Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) from three sites in south-west Germany and potential opportunities for valorization. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Ivanica, Raphaela; Risse, Michael; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Development of a life cycle inventory database and life cycle impact assessment of the building demolition stage: A case study in Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production 338, 2022, 130631 mehr…BibTeX
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Reppke, M.J.; Gerstner, R.; Windeisen-Holzhauser, E.; Richter, K.; Benz, J.P.: Press water from the mechanical drying of Douglas-fir wood chips has multiple beneficial effects on lignocellulolytic fungi. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 9 (1), 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Özparpucu, Merve; Sánchez‐Ferrer, Antoni; Schuh, Mathias; Wilhelm, Bianca; Sarkar, Riddhiman; Reif, Bernd; Windeisen‐Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Richter, Klaus: Acidic wood extractives accelerate the curing process of emulsion polymer isocyanate adhesives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, 52189 mehr…BibTeX
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Özparpucu, Merve; Windeisen-Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Wegener, Gerd; Richter, Klaus: A new analytical approach to investigate the influence of wood extracts on the curing properties of phenol-resorcinol–formaldehyde (PRF) adhesives. Wood Science and Technology, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Hijazi, Omar; Mettenleiter, Sonja; Bauerdick, Josef; Treiber, Maximilian; Gräff, Anja; Bernhardt, Heinz: Sustainability of biogas production with small-sized plant in South America. In: Bio-Economy and Agri-production. Elsevier, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Ehmcke, G.; Koch, G.; Richter, K.; Pilgård, A.: Topochemical and light microscopic investigations of non-enzymatic oxidative changes at the initial decay stage of furfuryl alcohol-modified radiata pine (Pinus radiata) degraded by the brown rot fungus Rhodonia placenta. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 154, 2020, 105020 mehr…BibTeX
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Guo, Huizhang; Özparpucu, Merve; Windeisen-Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Schlepütz, Christian M.; Quadranti, Elia; Gaan, Sabyasachi; Dreimol, Christopher; Burgert, Ingo: Struvite Mineralized Wood as Sustainable Building Material: Mechanical and Combustion Behavior. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Hijazi, O.; Abdelsalam, E.; Samer, M.; Attia, Y.A.; Amer, B.M.A.; Amer, M.A.; Badr, M.; Bernhardt, H.: Life cycle assessment of the use of nanomaterials in biogas production from anaerobic digestion of manure. Renewable Energy 148, 2020, 417-424 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Soode-Schimonsky, Eveli: Environmental impact assessment of the horticultural products asparagus, strawberries, roses and orchids according to the Product Carbon Footprint and Product Environmental Footprint methodologies. Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH , 2019 mehr…BibTeX
Schnabel, T.; Barbu, M.-C.; Windeisen-Holzhauser, E.; Petutschnigg, A.; Tondi, G.: Impact of Leather on the Fire Resistance of Leather-Wood Fibreboard: FT-IR Spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-GC-MS Investigation. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2019, 2019, 1-8 mehr…BibTeX
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Schneider, T.; Behn, C.; Windeisen-Holzhauser, E.; Roffael, E.: Influence of thermo-mechanical and chemo-thermo-mechanical pulping on the properties of oak fibres. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 77 (2), 2019, 229-234 mehr…BibTeX
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Özparpucu, Merve; Wolfrum, Theresa; Windeisen-Holzhauser, Elisabeth; Knorz, Markus; Richter, Klaus: Combined FTIR spectroscopy and rheology for measuring melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) adhesive curing as influenced by different wood extracts. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 78 (1), 2019, 85-91 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, Rebecka; Beck, Greeley; Pilgård, Annica: The Importance of Moisture for Brown Rot Degradation of Modified Wood: A Critical Discussion. Forests 10 (6), 2019, 522 mehr…BibTeX
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Risse, Michael; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Eco-efficiency analysis of recycling recovered solid wood from construction into laminated timber products. Science of The Total Environment 661, 2019, 107-119 mehr…BibTeX
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Wanschura, Regina; Windeisen, Elisabeth; Richter, Klaus: Application of foam fractionation to wood. Wood Science and Technology 53 (2), 2019, 349-371 mehr…BibTeX
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Ehmcke, G.; Pilgård, A.; Koch, G.; Richter, K.: Topochemical analyses of furfuryl alcohol-modified radiata pine (Pinus radiata) by UMSP, light microscopy and SEM. Holzforschung, 2017 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kain, Günther; Lienbacher, Bernhard; Barbu, Marius-Catalin; Richter, Klaus; Petutschnigg, Alexander: Larch (Larix decidua) bark insulation board: interactions of particle orientation, physical–mechanical and thermal properties. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76 (2), 2017, 489-498 mehr…BibTeX
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Lintl, J.: Wood as a test. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2017 mehr…BibTeX
Richter, K.; Ehmcke, G.: Das Holz der Fichte – Eigenschaften und Verwendung. LWF-Wissen 80, 2017, 117-124 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Risse, Michael; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Resource efficiency of multifunctional wood cascade chains using LCA and exergy analysis, exemplified by a case study for Germany. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 126, 2017, 141-152 mehr…BibTeX
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Soode-Schimonsky, Eveli; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Product environmental footprint of strawberries: Case studies in Estonia and Germany. Journal of Environmental Management, 2017 mehr…BibTeX
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Wenker, Jan L.; Richter, Klaus; Rüter, Sebastian: A Methodical Approach for Systematic Life Cycle Assessment of Wood-Based Furniture. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2017 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, Rebecka; Pilgård, Annica; Brischke, Christian; Windeisen, Elizabeth; Richter, Klaus: Incipient brown rot decay in modified wood: patterns of mass loss, structural integrity, moisture and acetyl content in high resolution. International Wood Products Journal 8 (3), 2017, 172-182 mehr…BibTeX
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Soode-Schimonsky, Eveli; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Product environmental footprint of strawberries: Case studies in Estonia and Germany. Journal of Environmental Management 203, 2017, 564-577 mehr…BibTeX
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Wilnhammer, Matthias; Wittkopf, Stefan; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: The impact of a new emission control act on particulate matter emissions from residential wood energy use in Bavaria, Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production 145, 2017, 134-141 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Hausmann, B.; Richter, K.; Schwarz, J.: Desire for quantitative information in a qualitative information context: induction of sustainable development via decision making in real estate and construction. In: Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure. . CRC Press, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Ehmcke, G.; Pilgård, A.; Koch, G.; Richter, K.: Improvement of a method for topochemical investigations of degraded furfurylated wood. International Wood Products Journal 7 (2), 2016, 96-101 mehr…BibTeX
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Kain, Günther; Lienbacher, Bernhard; Barbu, Marius-Catalin; Plank, Bernhard; Richter, Klaus; Petutschnigg, Alexander: Evaluation of relationships between particle orientation and thermal conductivity in bark insulation board by means of CT and discrete modeling. Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 6, 2016, 21-29 mehr…BibTeX
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Klein, Daniel; Wolf, Christian; Schulz, Christoph; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Environmental impacts of various biomass supply chains for the provision of raw wood in Bavaria, Germany, with focus on climate change. Science of The Total Environment 539, 2016, 45-60 mehr…BibTeX
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Risse, Michael; Richter, Klaus: Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Kaskaden – Ansätze zur lebenszyklusorientierten Bewertung der ökologischen und ökonomischen Effekte. uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum 24 (1), 2016, 63-68 mehr…BibTeX
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Wolf, Christian; Klein, Daniel; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Environmental effects of shifts in a regional heating mix through variations in the utilization of solid biofuels. Journal of Environmental Management 177, 2016, 177-191 mehr…BibTeX
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Wolf, Christian; Klein, Daniel; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Mitigating environmental impacts through the energetic use of wood: Regional displacement factors generated by means of substituting non-wood heating systems. Science of The Total Environment 569-570, 2016, 395-403 mehr…BibTeX
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Zelinka, S. L.; Ringman, R.; Pilgård, A.; Thybring, E. E.; Jakes, J. E.; Richter, K.: The role of chemical transport in the brown-rot decay resistance of modified wood. International Wood Products Journal 7 (2), 2016, 66-70 mehr…BibTeX
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Živković, Vjekoslav; Arnold, Martin; Pandey, Krishna K.; Richter, Klaus; Turkulin, Hrvoje: Spectral sensitivity in the photodegradation of fir wood (Abies alba Mill.) surfaces: correspondence of physical and chemical changes in natural weathering. Wood Science and Technology 50 (5), 2016, 989-1002 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Höglmeier, Karin; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Evaluation of Wood Cascading. In: Sustainability Assessment of Renewables-Based Products. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
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Kain, Guenther; Barbu, Marius-Catalin; Richter, Klaus; Plank, Bernhard; Tondi, Gianluca; Petutschnigg, A: USE OF TREE BARK AS INSULATION MATERIAL. Forest Products Journal 65, 2015, S16-S25 mehr…BibTeX
Richter, K.: Wood adhesion: status and trends for future development. Pro Ligno (11(4)), 2015, 3-9 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Wolf, Christian; Klein, Daniel; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Life Cycle Assessments for Wood Energy Services. Journal of Industrial Ecology 20 (4), 2015, 743-763 mehr…BibTeX
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Höglmeier, Karin; Steubing, Bernhard; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: LCA-based optimization of wood utilization under special consideration of a cascading use of wood. Journal of Environmental Management 152, 2015, 158-170 mehr…BibTeX
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Kain, Günther; Charwat-Pessler, Johann; Barbu, Marius-Catalin; Plank, Bernhard; Richter, Klaus; Petutschnigg, Alexander: Analyzing wood bark insulation board structure using X-ray computed tomography and modeling its thermal conductivity by means of finite difference method. Journal of Composite Materials 50 (6), 2015, 795-806 mehr…BibTeX
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Klein, Daniel; Wolf, Christian; Schulz, Christoph; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: 20 years of life cycle assessment (LCA) in the forestry sector: state of the art and a methodical proposal for the LCA of forest production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20 (4), 2015, 556-575 mehr…BibTeX
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Lampert, Paul; Soode, Eveli; Menrad, Klaus: The carbon-conscious-consumer? A causal model for the product carbon footprint of asparagus at the consumer stage. International Journal of Consumer Studies 39 (3), 2015, 269-280 mehr…BibTeX
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Lampert, Paul; Soode, Eveli; Menrad, Klaus; Theuvsen, Ludwig: Distributing asparagus: a climate perspective considering producer and consumer aspects. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40 (2), 2015, 169-186 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, Rebecka; Pilgård, Annica; Kölle, Martina; Brischke, Christian; Richter, Klaus: Effects of thermal modification on Postia placenta wood degradation dynamics: measurements of mass loss, structural integrity and gene expression. Wood Science and Technology 50 (2), 2015, 385-397 mehr…BibTeX
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Rossberg, Christine; Bremer, Martina; Machill, Susanne; Koenig, Swetlana; Kerns, Gerhard; Boeriu, Carmen; Windeisen, Elisabeth; Fischer, Steffen: Separation and characterisation of sulphur-free lignin from different agricultural residues. Industrial Crops and Products 73, 2015, 81-89 mehr…BibTeX
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Soode, Eveli; Lampert, Paul; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Carbon footprints of the horticultural products strawberries, asparagus, roses and orchids in Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production 87, 2015, 168-179 mehr…BibTeX
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Wilnhammer, Matthias; Lubenau, Christel; Wittkopf, Stefan; Richter, Klaus; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele: Effects of increased wood energy consumption on global warming potential, primary energy demand and particulate matter emissions on regional level based on the case study area Bavaria (Southeast Germany). Biomass and Bioenergy 81, 2015, 190-201 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, Rebecka; Pilgård, Annica; Richter, Klaus: Effect of wood modification on gene expression during incipient Postia placenta decay. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 86, 2014, 86-91 mehr…BibTeX
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Alfredsen, G.; Ringman, R.; Pilgård, A.; Fossdal, C. G.: New insight regarding mode of action of brown rot decay of modified wood based on DNA and gene expression studies: a review. International Wood Products Journal 6 (1), 2014, 5-7 mehr…BibTeX
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Alfredsen, Gry; Pilgård, Annica: Postia placentadecay of acetic anhydride modified wood – Effect of leaching. Wood Material Science & Engineering 9 (3), 2014, 162-169 mehr…BibTeX
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Höglmeier, Karin; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Utilization of recovered wood in cascades versus utilization of primary wood—a comparison with life cycle assessment using system expansion. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 19 (10), 2014, 1755-1766 mehr…BibTeX
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Kain, Günther; Güttler, Viola; Barbu, Marius-Catalin; Petutschnigg, Alexander; Richter, Klaus; Tondi, Gianluca: Density related properties of bark insulation boards bonded with tannin hexamine resin. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 72 (4), 2014, 417-424 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, R.; Pilgård, A.; Richter, K.: In vitrooxidative and enzymatic degradation of modified wood. International Wood Products Journal 6 (1), 2014, 36-39 mehr…BibTeX
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Ringman, Rebecka; Pilgård, Annica; Brischke, Christian; Richter, Klaus: Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in modified wood: a review. Holzforschung 68 (2), 2014 mehr…BibTeX
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Kain, G.; Barbu, M.; Hinterreiter, S.; Richter, K.; Petutschnigg, A.: Using Bark as Heat Insulation Material. BioResources (8(3)), 2013, 3718-3731 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Živković, Vjekoslav; Arnold, Martin; Radmanović, Kristijan; Richter, Klaus; Turkulin, Hrvoje: Spectral sensitivity in the photodegradation of fir wood (Abies alba Mill.) surfaces: colour changes in natural weathering. Wood Science and Technology 48 (2), 2013, 239-252 mehr…BibTeX
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Heigenmoser, A.; Liebner, F.; Windeisen, E.; Richter, K.: Investigation of thermally treated beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) by means of multifunctional analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 100, 2013, 117-126 mehr…BibTeX
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Höglmeier, Karin; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Potentials for cascading of recovered wood from building deconstruction—A case study for south-east Germany. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 78, 2013, 81-91 mehr…BibTeX
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Soode, Eveli; Weber-Blaschke, Gabriele; Richter, Klaus: Comparison of product carbon footprint standards with a case study on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (7), 2013, 1280-1290 mehr…BibTeX
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Wadsö, Lars; Johansson, Sanne; Pilgård, Annica; Alfredsen, Gry: The activity of rot fungi (Postia placenta) during drying and rewetting cycles measured by isothermal calorimetry. Engineering in Life Sciences 13 (6), 2013, 536-540 mehr…BibTeX
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Wadsö, Lars; Johansson, Sanne; Pilgård, Annica; Alfredsen, Gry: The activity of rot fungi (Postia placenta) during drying and rewetting cycles measured by isothermal calorimetry. Engineering in Life Sciences 13 (6), 2013, 536-540 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Windeisen, E.; Wegener, G.: Lignin as Building Unit for Polymers. In: Polymer Science: A Comprehensive Reference. Elsevier, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
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Kilic, Ayben; Gülsoy, Sezgin K.; Windeisen, Elisabeth; Jeske, Hauke; Wegener, Gerd: Characterizing of abnormal formation in hardwood. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70 (1-3), 2011, 373-375 mehr…BibTeX
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Lehringer, Christian; Saake, Bodo; Živković, Vjekoslav; Richter, Klaus; Militz, Holger: Effect of Physisporinus vitreus on wood properties of Norway spruce. Part 2: Aspects of microtensile strength and chemical changes. Holzforschung 65 (5), 2011 mehr…BibTeX
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Schmidt, M.; Thönnißen, A.; Knorz, M.; Windeisen, E.; Wegener, G.: Relevant wood characteristics for gluing beech and ash with regard to discoloration. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70 (1-3), 2011, 319-325 mehr…BibTeX
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Brunner, Maurice; Lehmann, Martin; Kraft, Sebastian; Fankhauser, Urs; Richter, Klaus; Conzett, Jürg: A Flexible Adhesive Layer to Strengthen Glulam Beams. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24 (8-10), 2010, 1665-1701 mehr…BibTeX
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Gülzow, Arne; Richter, Klaus; Steiger, René: Influence of wood moisture content on bending and shear stiffness of cross laminated timber panels. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 69 (2), 2010, 193-197 mehr…BibTeX
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Gülzow, Arne; Richter, Klaus; Steiger, René: Influence of wood moisture content on bending and shear stiffness of cross laminated timber panels. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 69 (2), 2010, 193-197 mehr…BibTeX
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Lehringer, Christian; Hillebrand, Konrad; Richter, Klaus; Arnold, Martin; Schwarze, Francis W.M.R.; Militz, Holger: Anatomy of bioincised Norway spruce wood. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64 (5), 2010, 346-355 mehr…BibTeX
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López-Suevos, Francisco; Eyholzer, Christian; Bordeanu, Nico; Richter, Klaus: DMA analysis and wood bonding of PVAc latex reinforced with cellulose nanofibrils. Cellulose 17 (2), 2010, 387-398 mehr…BibTeX
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Ohnesorge, Denny; Richter, Klaus; Becker, Gero: Influence of wood properties and bonding parameters on bond durability of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) glulams. Annals of Forest Science 67 (6), 2010, 601-601 mehr…BibTeX
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Steiger, René; Gehri, Ernst; Richter, Klaus: Quality control of glulam: shear testing of bondlines. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 68 (3), 2010, 243-256 mehr…BibTeX
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Lehringer, C.; Richter, K.; Schwarze, F. W. M. R.; Militz, H.: A review on promising approaches for liquid permeability improvement in softwoods. Wood and Fiber Science (41(4)), 2009, 373-385 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
López-Suevos, Francisco; Richter, Klaus: Hydroxymethylated Resorcinol (HMR) and Novolak-Based HMR (n-HMR) Primers to Enhance Bond Durability of Eucalyptus globulus Glulams. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 23 (15), 2009, 1925-1937 mehr…BibTeX
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Bordeanu, N.; Eyholzer, C.; Zimmermann, T.; Richter, K.: Chemical routes for functional redispersible cellulose nanofibrils. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (235(24)), 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Richter, K.: Research for Reliable Timber Structures. Materials and Structures (40), 2007, 1-2 mehr…BibTeX
Zimmermann, T.; Richter, K.; Bordeanu, N.; Sell, J.: Arrangement of Cell-Wall Constituents in Chemically Treated Norway Spruce Tracheids. Wood and Fiber Science (39(2)), 2007, 221 -231 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Werner, Frank; Richter, Klaus: Wooden building products in comparative LCA. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 12 (7), 2007, 470-479 mehr…BibTeX
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Xie, Yanjun; Krause, Andreas; Militz, Holger; Turkulin, Hrvoje; Richter, Klaus; Mai, Carsten: Effect of treatments with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxy-ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) on the tensile properties of wood. Holzforschung 61 (1), 2007 mehr…BibTeX
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Herzog, Andreas; Vogt, Ulrich; Kaczmarek, Oliver; Klingner, Raoul; Richter, Klaus; Thoemen, Heiko: Porous SiC Ceramics Derived from Tailored Wood-Based Fiberboards. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (5), 2006, 1499-1503 mehr…BibTeX
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Klingner, R.; Richter, K.; Schmolz, E.: Strategies of social wasps for thermal homeostasis in light paper nests. Journal of Thermal Biology 31 (8), 2006, 599-604 mehr…BibTeX
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Richter, K.; Pizzi, A.; Despres, A.: Thermal stability of structural one-component polyurethane adhesives for wood—structure-property relationship. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 102 (6), 2006, 5698-5707 mehr…BibTeX
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Werner, Frank; Althaus, Hans-Jörg; Richter, Klaus; Scholz, Roland W.: Post-consumer waste wood in attributive product LCA. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 12 (3), 2006, 160-172 mehr…BibTeX
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Werner, Frank; Taverna, Ruedi; Hofer, Peter; Richter, Klaus: Greenhouse Gas Dynamics of an Increased Use of Wood in Buildings in Switzerland. Climatic Change 74 (1-3), 2006, 319-347 mehr…BibTeX
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Turkulin, H.; Holzer, L.; Sell, J.; Richter K.: Application of the ESEM technique in wood research: Part II. Comparison of operational modes. Wood and Fiber Science (37(4)), 2005, 565 – 573 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Turkulin, H.; Holzer, L.; Sell, J.; Richter, K.: Application of the ESEM technique in wood research: Part I. Optimization of imaging parameters and working conditions. Wood and Fiber Science (37(4)), 2005, 552 – 564 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Fischer, A.; Richter, K.; Emmenegger, L.; Künniger, T.: PM10 emissions caused by the woodworking industry in Switzerland. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 63 (4), 2005, 245-250 mehr…BibTeX
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Klingner, R.; Richter, K.; Schmolz, E.; Keller, B.: The role of moisture in the nest thermoregulation of social wasps. Naturwissenschaften 92 (9), 2005, 427-430 mehr…BibTeX
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Richter, K.; Steiger, R.: Thermal Stability of Wood-Wood and Wood-FRP Bonding with Polyurethane and Epoxy Adhesives. Advanced Engineering Materials 7 (5), 2005, 419-426 mehr…BibTeX
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Werner, Frank; Taverna, Ruedi; Hofer, Peter; Richter, Klaus: Carbon pool and substitution effects of an increased use of wood in buildings in Switzerland: first estimates. Annals of Forest Science 62 (8), 2005, 889-902 mehr…BibTeX
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Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Richter, K.; Urban, K.; Evans, P.D.: Weathering of wood modified with the N-methylol compound 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea. Polymer Degradation and Stability 89 (2), 2005, 189-199 mehr…BibTeX
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Schirle, M. A.; Richter, K.: Wetting behavior of 1 K PUR adhesives determined by roughness and contact angle measurements. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 279 mehr…BibTeX
Jungmeier, G.; Werner, F.; Jarnehammar, A.; Hohenthal, C.; Richter, K.: Allocation in LCA of wood-based products experiences of cost action E9. Part II. Examples. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (7), 2002, 369-375 mehr…BibTeX
Jungmeier, Gerfried; Werner, Frank; Jarnehammar, Anna; Hohenthal, Catharina; Richter, Klaus: Allocation in lca of wood-based products experiences of cost action E9 part i. methodology. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7 (5), 2002, 290-294 mehr…BibTeX
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Turkulin, H; Richter, K; Sell, J: Adhesion of water-borne acrylic and hybrid paint on wood treated with primers. Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions 85 (4), 2002, 273-280 mehr…BibTeX
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Turkulin, H; Richter, K; Sell, J: Adhesion of water-borne acrylic and hybrid paint on wood treated with primers. Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions 85 (4), 2002, 273-280 mehr…BibTeX
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Werner, F.; Richter, K.: Economic Allocation and Value-Corrected Substitution. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (5(4)), 2000, 189-190 mehr…BibTeX
Werner, Frank; Richter, Klaus: Economic Allocation in LCA: A Case Study About Aluminium Window Frames. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5 (2), 2000, 79-83 mehr…BibTeX
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Werner, Frank; Künniger, Tina; Richter, Klaus: Holzprodukte in vergleichenden Ökobilanzen | Wood Products in Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Studies. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 150 (3), 1999, 96-104 mehr…BibTeX
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Richter, K.; Feist, W.C.; Knaebe, T.K.: The effect of surface roughness on the performance of finishes. Part 1. Roughness characterization and stain performance. Forest Products Journal (45(7/8)), 1995, 91-97 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Vick, C. B.; Richter, K.; River, B.H.; Fried, A.R.: Hydroxymethylated Resorcinol Coupling Agent for Enhanced Durability of Bisphenol-A Epoxy Bonds to Sitka Spruce. Wood and Fiber Science (27(1)), 1995, 2-12 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Mattrel, P.; Richter, K.: Methode zur Bestimmung der Emission von Diphenylmethan-4,4′-diisocyanat (MDI) aus isocyanatgebundenen Holzwerkstoffen. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 53 (5), 1995, 321-326 mehr…BibTeX
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Richter, K.; Sell, J.: Untersuchung der kapillaren Transportwege im Weißtannenholz. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 50 (9), 1992 mehr…BibTeX
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Richter, K.; Eckstein, D.: A proxy summer rainfall record for southeast Spain derived from living and historic pine trees. Dendrochronologia (8), 1990, 67-82 mehr…BibTeX
Richter, K.: Dendrocronología aplicada en la provincia de Teruel. Primer avance 1985/86. Kalathos (5-6), 1986, 199-210 mehr…BibTeX