Agricultural Engineering
The agriculture group of the LSE department studies various aspects of technology and data assisted farming. Most of the topics are related to smart farming, precision or digital farming, which are umbrella terms for the research framework.
- Precision farming incorporates machinery to do the field work, sensors to measure crop states, models to predict plant growth and information systems to manage farm operation. Aim is to achieve better management of farming inputs and take steps towards sustainable farming by means of advanced technologies and modeling. Research activities are related to crop farming, but also precision livestock farming, energy use optimization at farm level.
- Smart farming includes technologies for connected machinery, real time sensing, variable rate control, yield mapping, nutrient and disease management, weed management and production management. The research activities are done both in labs, in fields and in simulation environments.
- Intelligent machines are the scope of modern agricultural machine engineering, which also involves automation, control engineering, robotics and embedded systems to engineer future machines for crop farming.
- Vertical farming deals with indoor farming, which allows higher production of plants in automated facilities using water, light, nutrients in optimized way by incorporating crop modeling.
Research Topics
Agricultural Engineering conducts research on the four main topics described above: machinery system, smart farming, intelligent machines and vertical farming. Selected projects give deeper insights into our work.
Machinery system

- CowEnergy – Integrated data and energy management system for cow barns (Prof. Bernhardt)
- NEVONEX – the collaborative solution for your smart digital agriculture (Prof. Bernhardt)
Smart farming

Intelligent machines
Vertical farming

Alternative proteins for a sustainable future
Research on alternative proteins addresses challenges along the whole food value chain to ensure new sustainable nutrition.
Precision farming
Monitoring yield: drone-based imagery data is used to quantitatively evaluate the productivity and grain protein potential of different winter wheat varieties. (Prof. Yu)
Podcast – We are TUM: Prof. Asseng on sustainable plant production in indoor farms
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