Forest Ecosystems
Forest ecosystem are vital to life on Earth, as they provide numerous services to society, such as timber, non-timber products, as well as clean air and water. Forests also have important regulating functions for the global climate system, and are significant hot spots for biodiversity. Despite their relevance for human wellbeing, forest ecosystems globally are under increasing pressure from land use and climate change. There is thus need for developing novel management approaches that adapt forests to an uncertain future.
The aim of the research area "Forest Ecosystems" is to advance our fundamental understanding of the functioning of forest ecosystems – from the individual to biomes – and how forest ecosystems are changing in response to land use and climate change. This fundamental research helps to develop novel management strategies that sustain the important services of forest ecosystems for future generations.
Project highlights
Get a deeper insight through selected projects:

Forest Values

- MultiForest – Management for multifunctionality in European forests in the era of bioeconomy (Prof. Pretzsch)
FORWARD (ERC Consolidator Grant)
Project news
Video Insights
The valORTree project at TUMmesa
Find out about the effects of ozone on the forest ecosystem. (Dr. Baumgarten)
How should trees be planted to capture as much carbon as possible, and to provide space for biodiversity? (Prof. Pretzsch)
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